I don’t need to tell you guys what it’s like to hold a fine ass between your firm hands. You’ve been living the dream and I’d even go as far to say it was all thanks to that Reality Kings Discount for $30 in savings and a pass that you were lucky enough to get access to.
For many weeks now you’ve been dipping your cock inside the hottest babes and making sure that you never leave them unsatisfied. Their big juicy asses have been pounded to perfection and all that’s left to do now is rinse and repeat.
It doesn’t take a real man to keep a big ass girl happy, what it does take however is the passion to keep them satisfied all night long. Something tells me that you’ve got all that and more, now all you’ll need to do is prove it to these 40 Inch Plus girls. If that sounds like something that you can make happen, what the hell are you still doing here?