No man wants some little stick figure when it comes time to do the nasty. At least I know I don’t. I want a woman with curves. She has to have enough meat on her bones so that when I’m behind her giving it all I’ve got, her ass bounces me back. When she’s on top riding my cock I expect her massive tits to be bobbing in front of me like apples I’m trying to nab. I don’t want to worry that I have to be gentle or I’m going to break her. And I don’t want her to be bone thin where I can see what she’s thinking. Ribs sticking out and bones rubbing together is not my idea of a good time.
I only want to see big girls when I’m watching porn as well. I never know which sites are worth my time and which ones are absolute garbage though. That’s why I was so happy to find this big list of BBW porn sites. Every site they recommend is top-notch. Plumper Pass, Scoreland, Porn Megaload, Big Boob Bundle, XL Girls, Jeff’s Models, BBW Hunter, Lisa Sparxxx, and Miss Ling Ling are all on here and many more.
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