Big and Beautiful dating is all rage in the united states and for a good reason. This is due to demographic reality. The reality is quite simple; more and more Americans are obese. We’re not just talking about having a few extra pounds, we’re not talking about lugging around that spared tire around your midsection. We’re talking about being overweight by 50 to 150 pounds. This is called morbid obesity.
As scary as the phrase may be, get used to it because it describes the average American increasingly. For a wide variety of reasons, Americans are eating more calories than they burn in any given day. That’s of course lead to more and more weight. Accordingly, men are changing their perspective as far as dating is concerned.
For the longest time, we were conditioned to lust after very thin women like Kate Moss. You remember Kate Moss; she looks like a 12-year-old girl. I mean she is an adult woman, but she looks like a 12-year-old girl with a body to match. That was the standard of beauty, well not anymore. An increasing number of Americans are into Big and Beautiful dating. Chances are their numbers will grow at explosive rates.
Unfortunately, the rest of society hasn’t been waking up to this reality. A crucial component of society is still in denial regarding this powerful sea change in dating and sexual attitudes. I’m of course talking about haters. Well, you probably thinking to yourself “Well, haters are always going to hate.” To a certain, level I agree with you. Haters are going to hate. After all, that hating is what Satan put haters on earth for.
That’s what they do, that’s what they’re all about, that’s their job. That’s their personal philosophy in life, that’s what makes them get up in the morning. With that said, it’s easy to say that haters are going to hate and it’s another to deal with negativity and criticism and condemnation. If you’re into Big and Beautiful dating, and you have your more than fair share of haters, just wrap your mind around this one central truth: they’re jealous.
If you believe that with all your heart, you will be fine. Why? It’s absolutely true if you’re into Big and Beautiful dating on it means that you are completely honest with yourself. It also means that you are psychologically and mature enough to understand that it’s perfectly okay to love what you have. What we have is an overweight population. Instead of wasting our time running after and desiring things we don’t have, isn’t it time for us to accept and appreciate what we do have?
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